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utility to download the seismic records of earthquakes and save them as audio files


Currently description available only in Russian language. If you want you can help to translate it to English language.


Seismic sound examples

Usage examples

Print the event list for the 2016 year with a magnitude greater than or equal to 7.0:

seismicsound-dl --print-selected-events --event-start-time 2016-01-01T00:00:00 --event-end-time 2016-12-31T00:00:00 --event-min-mag 7.0


INFO: Downloading the event list...
List of Events
        ID | TYPE |  MAG |  LATITUDE | LONGITUDE |     DEPTH |                TIME | DESCRIPTION
   9948944 |  Mww |  7.6 |  -43.4053 |  -73.9403 |    38.000 | 2016-12-25T14:22:27 | SOUTHERN CHILE
   9946716 |  mww |  7.9 |   -4.5049 |  153.5216 |    94.540 | 2016-12-17T10:51:10 | NEW IRELAND REGION, P.N.G.
   9912119 |  mww |  7.8 |  -10.6760 |  161.3298 |    41.000 | 2016-12-08T17:38:46 | SOLOMON ISLANDS
   5198717 |  mww |  7.0 |   11.9597 |  -88.8355 |    10.340 | 2016-11-24T18:43:48 | OFF COAST OF CENTRAL AMERICA
   5197722 |  Mww |  7.8 |  -42.7245 |  173.0647 |    22.000 | 2016-11-13T11:02:59 | SOUTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND
   5192066 |  mww |  7.1 |  -37.4010 |  179.0548 |    19.000 | 2016-09-01T16:37:57 | OFF E. COAST OF N. ISLAND, N.Z.
   5191763 |  mww |  7.1 |   -0.0471 |  -17.8294 |    10.000 | 2016-08-29T04:29:57 | NORTH OF ASCENSION ISLAND
   5190904 |  mww |  7.4 |  -55.2793 |  -31.8740 |    10.000 | 2016-08-19T07:32:22 | SOUTH GEORGIA ISLAND REGION
   5190300 |  mww |  7.2 |  -22.4778 |  173.1108 |    16.440 | 2016-08-12T01:26:36 | SOUTHEAST OF LOYALTY ISLANDS
   5189231 |  mww |  7.7 |   18.5439 |  145.5410 |   207.620 | 2016-07-29T21:18:26 | MARIANA ISLANDS
   5183973 |  mww |  7.2 |  -56.2409 |  -26.9353 |    78.000 | 2016-05-28T09:46:59 | SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
   5181222 |  mww |  7.0 |  -16.0429 |  167.3786 |    24.000 | 2016-04-28T19:33:24 | VANUATU ISLANDS
   5180176 |  mww |  7.8 |    0.3819 |  -79.9218 |    20.590 | 2016-04-16T23:58:36 | NEAR COAST OF ECUADOR
   5180038 |  mww |  7.0 |   32.7906 |  130.7543 |    10.000 | 2016-04-15T16:25:06 | KYUSHU, JAPAN
   5176028 |  mww |  7.8 |   -4.9521 |   94.3299 |    24.000 | 2016-03-02T12:49:48 | SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
   5172800 |  mww |  7.2 |   54.0057 |  158.5128 |   163.220 | 2016-01-30T03:25:10 | KAMCHATKA PENINSULA, RUSSIA
   5172125 |  mww |  7.1 |   59.6204 | -153.3392 |   125.600 | 2016-01-24T10:30:29 | SOUTHERN ALASKA
Total: 17

Print the event list for August 2016 with a magnitude greater than or equal to 5.0, with its epicenter near Italy:

seismicsound-dl --print-selected-events --event-start-time 2016-08-01T00:00:00 --event-end-time 2016-09-01T00:00:00 --event-min-mag 5.0 --event-min-lon 9 --event-max-lon 19 --event-min-lat 37 --event-max-lat 43


INFO: Downloading the event list...
List of Events
        ID | TYPE |  MAG |  LATITUDE | LONGITUDE |     DEPTH |                TIME | DESCRIPTION
   5191300 |  mww |  5.6 |   42.8335 |   13.1319 |     4.950 | 2016-08-24T02:33:29 | CENTRAL ITALY
   5191298 |  mww |  6.2 |   42.7230 |   13.1877 |     4.440 | 2016-08-24T01:36:32 | CENTRAL ITALY
Total: 2

Print the list vertical channels of stations, which are installed near Italy and wrote at a moment when there was an event with the ID "5191300":

seismicsound-dl --print-selected-traces --event-id 5191298 --station-min-lon 9 --station-max-lon 19 --station-min-lat 37 --station-max-lat 43 --channel *Z


INFO: Downloading the station list...
List of Channels
  GE |  MATE |     |  BHZ |   40.6491 |   16.7044 |  0.494 | 0.000 | 2007-04-24T00:00:00 | 2599-12-31T23:59:59 | U Basilicata/GEOFON Station Matera, Italy
  GE |  MATE |     |  HHZ |   40.6491 |   16.7044 |  0.494 | 0.000 | 2007-04-24T00:00:00 | 2599-12-31T23:59:59 | U Basilicata/GEOFON Station Matera, Italy
  YR |  ED23 |     |  HHZ |   42.7433 |   13.2871 |  1.040 | 0.000 | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | 2017-05-30T00:00:00 | SPELONGA
  YR |  ED24 |     |  HHZ |   42.6556 |   13.1922 |  1.103 | 0.000 | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | 2017-05-30T00:00:00 | ROCCASALLI
  YR |  ED25 |     |  HHZ |   42.5988 |   13.3519 |  1.350 | 0.000 | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | 2017-05-30T00:00:00 | CORNILLI NUOVO
Total: 382

Download up to 10 event records with the ID "5191300" from channels "BHZ" with location "00" which installed near Italy. These records must be saved to the current directory with a sample rate 16kHz:

seismicsound-dl --event-id 5191298 --station-min-lon 1 --station-max-lon 29 --station-min-lat 27 --station-max-lat 53 --channel BHZ --location 00 --limit 10 --sample-rate 16000


$ ls -1

Download one record from channel "HHZ" with location "00" per event for no more than 10 events with a magnitude greater than or equal to 7.0. Each entry must be extended to 14400 seconds:

seismicsound-dl --event-min-mag 7 --channel HHZ --location 00 --limit 10 --limit-per-event 1 --seconds-after 14400


$ ls -1


    seismicsound-dl [OPTIONS]
  options that affect the output sound files
                set the sample rate of the sound files
                (the default is '44100')
                set the sample format of the sound files
                you can use the following values:
                    i16 -- 16 bit per sample (integer)
                    i24 -- 24 bit per sample (integer)
                    i32 -- 32 bit per sample (integer)
                    f32 -- 32 bit per sample (IEEE774)
                    f64 -- 64 bit per sample (IEEE774)
                (the default is 'i16')
                set the output directory of the sound files
                (the default is '.' (current directory))
                set the file name format of the sound files
                you can use the following variables in the pattern:
                    %eid%       -- event id
                    %net%       -- network code
                    %sta%       -- station code
                    %loc%       -- location code
                    %chan%      -- channel code
                    %starttime% -- start time 
                                   (will be represented as 'YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS')
                    %endtime%   -- end time
                                   (will be represented as 'YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS')
                (the default is '%eid%.%net%.%sta%.%loc%.%cha%.%stm%.%etm%')
                set the action on duplicate file names
                you can use the following values:
                    suffix    -- add an unique suffix to the new file
                    overwrite -- overwrite the old file with the new file
                    skip      -- do not download the duplicate of the file
                (the default is 'suffix')

  options that affect the event list selection parameters
                set the event id                
                (if this option is set, all other options related to the 
                selection list of events (--event-*) will be ignored
                the result will be a list of the one event 
                with the specified id)
                set the start time of the time interval when event is happened
                (time must have the following format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS')
                set the end time of the time interval when event is happened
                (time must have the following format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS')
                set the minimum magnitude of the earthquake
                (see the 'earthquake magnitude scale' below for detail)
                set the maximum magnitude of the earthquake
                (see the 'earthquake magnitude scale' below for detail)
                set the minimum depth of the earthquake
                (unit: kilometer)
                set the maximum depth of the earthquake
                (unit: kilometer)

    BOX search terms, incompatible with RADIAL search terms
                set the minimum latitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-90.0; 90.0])
                set the maximum latitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-90.0; 90.0])
                set the minimum longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])
                set the maximum longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])

    RADIAL search terms, incompatible with the BOX search terms
                set the central latitude point
                (unit: degree; range: [-90.0; 90.0])
                set the central longitude point
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])
                set the minimum distance from the geographic point 
                defined by the central latitude and longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])
                set the maximum distance from the geographic point 
                defined by the central latitude and longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])

  options that affect the trace list selection parameters
                set the network code
                (see the 'network code format' below for detail)
                set the station code
                (see the 'station code format' below for detail)
                set the location code
                (see the 'location code format' below for detail)
                set the channel code
                (see the 'channel code format' below for detail)
                set the start time of the trace of the data
                (time must have the following format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS')
                set the end time of the trace of the data
                (time must have the following format: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS')

                NOTE: if you specify the time interval of the trace of the data
                then all options related to the selection 
                list of events (--event-*) will be ignored

    BOX search terms, incompatible with RADIAL search terms
                set the minimum latitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-90.0; 90.0])
                set the maximum latitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-90.0; 90.0])
                set the minimum longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])
                set the maximum longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])

    RADIAL search terms, incompatible with the BOX search terms
                set the central latitude point
                (unit: degree; range: [-90.0; 90.0])
                set the central longitude point
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])
                set the minimum distance from the geographic point 
                defined by the central latitude and longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])
                set the maximum distance from the geographic point 
                defined by the central latitude and longitude
                (unit: degree; range: [-180.0; 180.0])

  other options
                set the limit of the total number of downloadable sounds
                (the default is unlimited)
                set the limit of the total number of downloadable sounds 
                per one event    
                (the default is unlimited)
                set the additional seconds which will be downloaded 
                before the first seismic phase
                (the defalt is '300' seconds)
                set the seconds which will be downloaded 
                after the first seismic phase
                (the defalt is '3600' seconds)
                set the URL of the fdsnws dataselect service
                you can also use the CODE which can be found in the fdsnws 
                dataselect service list (see --print-fdsnws-dataselect-services)
                (the default is the first record 
                of the fdsnws dataselect service list)
                set the URL of the fdsnws station service
                you can also use the CODE which can be found in the fdsnws 
                station service list (see --print-fdsnws-station-services)
                (the default is the first record 
                of the fdsnws station service list)
                set the URL of the fdsnws event service
                you can also use the CODE which can be found in the fdsnws 
                event service list (see --print-fdsnws-event-services)
                (the default is the first record 
                of the fdsnws event service list)
                display the list of the known fdsnws dataselect services
                and exit
                display the list of the known fdsnws station services
                and exit
                display the list of the known fdsnws event services
                and exit
                display the list of the known fdsnws services
                and exit
                display the list of the selected events 
                without download the any sounds
                (only options that affect the event list selection parameters
                will be used)
                display the list of the selected traces 
                without download the any sounds
                (only options that affect the trace list selection parameters
                will be used)               
                set the format of the selected event row
                you can use the following variables in the pattern:    
                    %eid%   -- event id
                    %type%  -- magnitude type
                    %val%   -- magnitude value
                    %lat%   -- latitude
                    %lon%   -- longitude
                    %depth% -- depth
                    %time%  -- time 
                               (will be represented as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS')
                    %desc%  -- event description
                (the default is ' %eid% | %type% | %val% | %lat% | %lon% | %depth% | %time% | %desc%')
                set the format of the selected trace row
                you can use the following variables in the pattern:      
                    %net%    -- network code
                    %sta%    -- station code
                    %loc%    -- location code
                    %chan%   -- channel code
                    %lat%    -- latitude
                    %lon%    -- longitude
                    %elevat% -- elevation
                    %depth%  -- depth
                    %stime%  -- start time
                                (will be represented as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS')
                    %etime%  -- end time
                                (will be represented as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS') 
                    %site%   -- site name
                (the default is ' %net% | %sta% | %loc% | %chan% | %lat% | %lon% | %elevat% | %depth% | %stime% | %etime% | %site%')
                display the debug information
                display this help message and exit

  quick reference guide
  earthquake magnitude scale:
  - 2.5 or less    -- usually not felt, but can be recorded by seismograph
                      (~900,000 per year)
  - 2.5 to 5.4     -- often felt, but only causes minor damage
                      (~30,000 per year)
  - 5.5 to 6.0     -- slight damage to buildings and other structures
                      (~500 per year)
  - 6.1 to 6.9     -- may cause a lot of damage in very populated areas
                      (~100 per year)
  - 7.0 to 7.9     -- major earthquake. Serious damage
                      (~20 per year)
  - 8.0 or greater -- great earthquake. Can totally destroy communities
                      near the epicenter 
                      (one every 5 to 10 years)

  network code format:
  - 2 characters: uppercase letters or numbers  

  station code format:
  - 5 characters: uppercase letters or numbers

  location code format:
  - 2 characters: uppercase letters or numbers

  channel code format:
  - 3 characters: uppercase letters or numbers

  you can also use the special symbols:
  - '?' for any one symbol (example: 'EH?', 'E??R')
  - '*' for any number of symbols (example: 'EH*', 'AK*')


Version 0.1.1

Version 0.1.0pre


Bug tracker:

License GNU GPLv3+

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

The complete text of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in `LICENSE.GPLv3+'.